Mkvextract tracks /MyMovie.mkv 1:audiofile.aac 2:audiofile2.aac 3:moviefile.avi So this is what you would enter into the Terminal, where "MyMovie.mkv" is the movie file you drag into the terminal window: Subtitles will have a ".srt" extension.Ĥ) To demux/extract the files, you have to include the track number and the file extension of the file you want. The audio tracks have the ".aac" file extension.
If the movie file had subtitles, it would be listed as an additional track.ģ) Above, the video track is a DivX and hence it ends in ".avi". | + Default duration: 41.708ms (23.976 fps for a video track)Ģ) From the above info, you can see that there are three tracks, one video and two audio tracks. | + Default duration: 42.667ms (23.438 fps for a video track) | + Writing application: mkvmerge v0.9.1 built on 23:29:28
| + Muxing application: libebml v0.7.0 + libmatroska v0.7.0
|+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)